
Dedication - writercize #110

One fabulous blogger and as of yet unpublished author I know, Nutschell A. Windsor (whom I've mentioned before on writercize), gave the following advice to writers at a workshop several months ago - when you're stuck and don't know where the story needs to go, or how to sit through your manuscript and edit it yet again, visualize something that will happen when you get published.  That visualization will help you push through to make publishing a reality, whether it is picturing your book jacket, a great review, your author photo or making space in a bookstore for your spine.

I love the optimism and drive behind it, so I wanted to take the time today to help you with a little visualization technique - picture the dedication page.  Whether you are a seasoned writer or an unpublished author, think of a book that you'd like to publish one day and figure out who you would acknowledge.

writercize:  Picture your book on the shelf.  Pull it down, feel the weight of it, see your name in print as the auther.  Now open it up, past the title page, to the dedication.  What does it say?

Click "read more" to see writercizer sample response for a children's book.
writercizer sample response:

I dedicate this book to the wondrous child hiding in every adult and the wise adult living in every child.  May curiosity and the search for knowledge dance together each and every day of your life.

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