
Story Sprouts is Visiting Cherie Reich Today!

Hello writercizers!

Story Sprouts is visiting Cherie Reich today. The topic is .... Vampires, Fairies and Dragons, Oh My!: Inviting the Whimsical Into Your Story and it's all about a return to make-believe fantasy in your work.

Head on over there to visit Cherie, my co-editor Nutschell Anne Windsor,  and me, and share your thoughts on the whimsical world of literature!

Thanks Cherie for hosting!


PS - The tour continues tomorrow with a four guest posts by Nutschell coming up! I'll be back on tour Tuesday.

Here's what you can read about between now and then:

Friday, Jan. 10: The Benefits of Free Writing with Medeia Sharif
Saturday, Jan. 11: Story Sprouts Author Interviews with Lena Cox of Page Cravings
Monday, Jan. 13: Using Photo Prompts to Spark Your Story Ideas with Julie Flanders
Monday, Jan. 13: Book Blurb and Promo at Literary Rambles


  1. Glad to help out, Alana, and have you on my blog!

  2. Hi Alana .. I saw your post on Theresa's blog - excellently explained what story sprouts is about .. Kindle tell me!! I bought it in October .. so I shall get to read it soon ... and will enjoy it better ... Good luck with the tour ... and I look forward to Nutschell's posts .. cheers Hilary

  3. It's wonderful seeing this book everywhere. :)

    1. Yay! :D

      It's wonderful of all of you to give us the opportunity to post it everywhere!


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