
Goal Matrix - writercize #AtoZChallenge 3.7

Please note: writercize (a portmanteau of write and exercise with a z for ... a twist? fun? street cred?) is participating in the A to Z Challenge through the month of April with alphabetical writing prompts. I'm skipping the stories behind the prompts so you can spend more time practicing and less time reading! Please participate, and enjoy!

writercize: It's list time! Last year, my G post addressed setting some long-term writing goals. This year, I'm going a bit more general with my goal setting. 

Inspired by a friend, I have been working on my 35 x 35 goal matrix - 35 things I would like to accomplish by my 35th birthday. Some are old, some are new ... some are borrowed and none are blue? I have a few to go, and am open to ideas if you want to throw a few my way!

The idea is to look ahead to your next birthday that is divisible by 5 and match the age with the same number of things you'd like to accomplish between now and then. (i.e. 25 x 25, 40 x 40 --- maybe after 50 you get to cut five off each time, so it becomes 60 x 40? Feel free to make the rules fit your!)

This is a mix of tiny accomplishments and really big goals. One friend of mine said that it was the perfect way to set goals because they were like a bucket list that you get to enjoy in the short-term and don't have to ... ummmm ... pass to greener pastures after.
I love reading your comments and especially your writercize results, so please, drop me a line to let me know if this worked for you! Better yet, share your attempt with the world in your comment! 

Click "read more" for writercizer's current 28 x 35 list. 
writercizer sample response:


  1. Goals! You either love them or you hate them. Depending on the kind of person you are.

    Thank you for stopping by.
    Coffee Rings Everywhere

  2. Yeah, if I didn't start cutting some my list would be getting really long. Actually I guess my goal list is already long.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out

  3. That sounds like a fun 'bucket' list kind of activity. I would have to start cutting some out though. Mine would be 60 x 60 and that would be overwhelming. ;)

  4. Great concept! I might have to get out my notebook and start my list.

    Denise at Organization and Inspiration for Fellow Writers, participant of A to Z Blogging Challenge
    Denise Reashore on Facebook

  5. Hi Alana .. I have rather a lot to accomplish by my next 5th one ... and that's something I need to jot down .. too true ..

    Cheers Hilary


I love reading your feedback and your writercize results! Please feel free to leave your website address at the end of your comment. I will delete spam, but welcome writers and bloggers to share their sites with the writercize community.