
Numeric Rhyme Time - writercize #75

Today it's all about numbers mumbo jumbo!

As my kids are out of preschool for the summer, we've been sure to get in plenty of rhyming and singing fun to help them learn some new concepts such as seasons and letters and time ... and numbers!  Suffice it to say, I have counting and rhymes on the brain big time.

Number rhymes are fantastic for learning about mathematics and language all rolled into one.  Rhyming is one of the top pre-literacy skills kids can learn; it helps them with phonics and language development, and it's a simple technique to inspire memorization.  

Think back to a couple of rhymes English speakers surely learned from a very young age:

1, 2 Buckle my Shoe
3, 4 Shut the Door
5, 6 Pick up Sticks
7, 8 Lay them Straight
9. 10 A Big Fat Hen

1, 2, 3, 4, 5
I caught a fish alive.
6, 7, 8, 9, 10
I let it go again.

These are simple rhymes; the first borders on non-sensical, but it encourages children to learn number sequence in a format that sears itself into memory.

writercize:  Create a rhyme based on numbers.  You may sequence as many or as few numbers as you like; count by 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s or even fractions.  Pick any theme for your rhyme.

Click "read more" for writercizer sample response on dancing numbers.  (Note: Tuesdays are pretty busy writing days for me "off the blog," so I try to keep things light and fun over here at writercize.  Log on most Tuesdays for word play.)
writercizer response:

1 let's get ready to have some fun!
2 is for you
3 is for me
4 is to get moving on the fancy dance floor
5 we're going to jump and jive
6 we'll spin and do some cool tricks
7 lets dance on past eleven
8 so come on and don't be late
9 the dancing starts right after we dine
10 we'll move our feet through the night and dance tomorrow again!


  1. 1/2 makes me laugh
    1/4 makes me think of water
    1/8th takes the cake?

    Off the top of my head, thats what happens when I try to rhyme with fractions - interesting idea.

    I agree that word play and rhymes are cool for writers and for kids. Thanks for the writercize - now I'll have to try again.

  2. Speaking of kids number rhymes, I love Ladybug Picnic from Sesame Street.

  3. Great exercise. Your post reminded me of a year-long debate I had with Robert Miller over which was the first day of the week -- Sunday vs. Monday. lol Wonder if he remembers our debates at all.

  4. Tyrean - that's awesome! I put fractions out there hoping someone would give it a try and I'm so glad you did. Thank you for indulging me. :)

    M Pax - I guess it depends on where you live! On the calendars I buy here in the US the week starts Sunday but in Italy where my husband is from it starts on Monday. Then you throw in different sabbath days with different religions and probably get a whole other day thrown in there too. ;)

    Small Town Shelly Brown - Yes, Ladybug Picnic is a great one! I can hear it in my head now!

    Christine - thanks!


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