
Green Day - writercize #45

Color has meaning.

A simple method to create the ambiance you seek for your characters, whether in film or on paper, is to mention the colors surrounding them.  Color can create a powerful visual connection to a scene (who doesn't remember the red coat in Schindler's List?) or allow the audience a peek inside the psyche of the character's brain (picture the varying levels of emotion and warmth during the memory sequence into DiCaprio's character's brain in Inception).  Colors may be used to analyze dreams.  Marketing and promotions professionals study the way in which color affects a person's productivity, hunger, emotional well-being, self esteem, happiness, likeliness to pull out the plastic and buy, buy, buy.

One goal of the writer is to create a world in your reader's mind that can be visualized and thereby visited vicariously through the personas in the book or article.

writing exercise: Please spend a moment to focus on the color GREEN.  For today's writercize, you may: 
  • evaluate your feelings towards and associations with the color green, or 
  • use it as a background to a short character study.
Write 50-200 words. 

If you need a little extra inspiration, visit: Color Psychology - Green or green quotes.  A few possible assocations: envy, greed, environmentalism, ill (looking green), calm, natural.

(Click "read more" to see the writercizer sample response after mid-May.  Sorry I couldn't get it up sooner!  I would love to see your response though, so write away!)

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